Friday, August 5, 2011

You must be a teacher

     Yesterday I was feeling guilty  as I pushed my buggy into the checkout line.  I knew scanning my 40 spiral notebooks (with all the spiral metal wires latching (stuck) on each other) would not be the cashier's favorite task of the day.  But you do the math.  40 notebooks at 20 cents a piece = a bargain that I can't pass up.  It will give each child in my class two notebooks for the writer's workshop.

     As I place my heaping stack onto the conveyer belt I realize the cashier is already fighting with a stack of spiral notebooks from the customer in front of me.  The much-older-than-me-customer and I make eye contact and I state the obvious..."You must be a teacher."  And with that a moment is shared that only a teacher can appreciate. 

Once a teacher, always a teacher.


  1. Stephanie, That is so true and funny. I had a similar experience 2 weeks ago at the Target Dollar Stop as I found and snagged those colorful, plastic book bins for my classroom-along with two other teachers!

    Primary Practice
